
Friday, 25 February 2011 by Al Kay

Since the end of December, my life has gone through more changes than ever before. I won't go into much detail as it's a relatively private matter but the changes that I'm going through right now have been going well so far and I wouldn't want to jinx that.

I've been through a shitload and toward the end of last year I came to realise that life was too complicated for me and Lisa to handle alone, so we've begun the process of getting some help. All I can say about that is that the UK health system let me down BIG TIME. I was told I could not get any medication and was refused any kind of medical help on the grounds that people with Autism over the age of 18 don't need it. Things are COMPLETELY different in Sweden, which is excellent for me right now, but I'm still very bitter over the way I was handled in England and I sure as Hell won't get over it in a hurry.

On that note however, I've decided to stop all talk of Autism outside of a professional manner. I had to talk with a couple of Swedish professionals just the other week and already I could tell it was boring me because I'd been asked the same or similar questions so much in the past. I can tell that it's going to be something that I'm going to have to talk about quite alot in the future with therapists and whatnot, so I would prefer to leave it there with them. From now on this blog will be about other things that interest me and might interest the people that read it. I have no interest in talking about it with friends, family or acquaintances from this point forward.

Right now, I don't have alot to talk about, hence why I barely blog these days. I do write on my LiveJournal about once a week but that's a private thing and would rather only have trusted individuals read it. Don't get me wrong, I trust alot of people with various things, it's just that the things I write about would probably offend some of the more "sensitive" individuals. You know, the ones that give Ofcom a call if they hear something they don't like on TV.

On the subject of TV, Swedish entertainment has it's highs and lows. On the one hand they have Melodifestivalen, which gives the public a chance to choose their Eurovision act for this year. It's the only regular thing I watch here every Saturday, it's brilliant. On the other hand though...daytime TV is made up of mostly middle-aged women going on about cooking, politics and education. Not exactly my cup of tea. There's not much to choose from sadly and that's where England has the upperhand.

On the newsfront, the protests in Egypt, Libya and various other countries in and around the middle east made the student riots in the UK look like a couple of nursery kids fighting over a Lego piece. FREEDOM!!

In wrestling news, THE ROCK IS BACK WAHAY! Not that I can watch it, but it's nice to hear that he's back home and everything.

Well, I'm going to end it there, there's not much point in me rambling on if I've got nothing to ramble on about.

'Till next time...

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