About Me.
Well, I did say I would post an About Me. I'm actually writing this at 19:55 on the 11th of April 2010 (Swedish time) but I'm trying out the "Post Scheduling" feature on here, so it should be published the next day at whatever time I please. Pretty neat.
I dunno how lengthy this post will be as I'm basically gonna wing it and see what happens. It's more of an introduction to me as a person and a portion of my life, which might be boring to some people, but others - maybe not. Let's begin.
My name is Allen Joseph Kirwan, I was born on the 2nd of April 1989, which as of this post makes me 21 years of age. I have two sisters (Jenny and Sally) and one brother (Ian), my father died when I was 4 and so I was raised by my mother until last year. I was born in Manchester, England, however life tends to give you a kick up the ass, so I now live with my fiancé Lisa in an apartment on the island of Gotland, which is in Sweden. I moved here 5 months ago.
I have Autism, but I intend to cover that in a seperate blog, as it's too complicated to put with everything else.
I left school at the age of 15, so I have zero GCSEs, zero qualifications and zero job prospects (actually that last one is due to the Autism, infact all of it is but that's for another time.)
My hobbies include playing guitar, listening to music, walks on the beach with Lisa, reading, making videos on youtube, watching TV, browsing the internet. I actually had to think hard about all of those, as I don't have alot.
Lisa and I have been together for 3 years and counting. We are in love and plan on staying that way, if anything changes, i'll let you know. *wink wink*
That's the serious stuff out of the way, here's the not so serious stuff:
- Contrary to popular belief, i'm NOT gay. My boyfriend however, is a flaming homosexual.
- I'm an Aries, as such I couldn't give a flying fuck about that.
- I swear alot.
- I joke alot.
- I have a sense of humour that alot of people cannot appreciate.
- I like meat.
- My veggie fiancé doesn't. Guess that's why she almost killed me for accidentally throwing meat on her.
- I should say "Vegetarian", don't want you thinking she's a cucumber or anything, her mum would get quite a shock from that.
- I'm fat. 17 and a half stone of pure fat. Some muscle, but mainly fat. Some bones in there aswell. Just fat though.
- I'm sarcastic.
- My confidence is excellent...noooot.
- I quote people.
- I have a dream.
- White chocolate is my favourite chocolate.
- Life is like a box of chocolates...
- Which brings me to my favourite movie: Forrest Gump.
- I stole a license plate once. Well technically Lisa did, it was under a pile of dirt. Sue us.
- I love Snoop Dogg. (I met him once on ustream)
- I can moonwalk. True story.
- I collect cans like a tramp.
- And pebbles.
- I like candles.
- Especially scented.
- I wear 2 kinds of deodorant, at the same time. One roll-on and one spray on.
- Sometimes aftershave. Davidoff.
- Lost is a conspiracy, but also a fantastic show.
- Wrestling is awesome.
- The Rock is a God. Even if he is a sellout.
- John Cena makes me want to vomit up my own faeces.
- Challenge me on WWF era: 1998 - 2000. I know everything about it.
- Typical Swedish food makes me cringe.
- Typical English food makes me orgasm multiple times.
- Yet I live in Sweden, where the food is twice the price and half the joy.
- Sweden is pretty cool though, especially the dead birds and old people.
- Leo from That 70's Show, is probably the most AWESOME dude ever.
- I met that annoying girl from Coronation Street. Sarah Louise Platt AKA Tina O Brien. She was OK I guess, considering she's annoying.
- You're not even reading this.
- I don't like you.
- Go away.
- Why do you wanna know all this crap about me anyway?
- Freak.
Thanks for reading. Buhbye.