Lost: The End.

Monday, 24 May 2010 by Al Kay

(I use such references as "Latin" and "Ltn. John The Flying Beaver" to describe what the afterlife could be. It would be too mundane to just say "Heaven" and "Jesus/God" plus everyone should have their own idea right?)

This is my 4th try at writing a blogpost on the finale of Lost and for the first time since I created this thing, I can't for the life of me put the words together that could describe the last 2 and a half hours of the most emotional rollercoaster on television that I've ever witnessed.

I still haven't come to terms with the fact that it's gone and never coming back. I'll never forget the first time I watched it, back on the day when it first aired in the UK...I just had this awesome feeling that I was watching something special and now that it's all over, it's very clear to me it was more than that, but I can't think of a fitting word. The ending wasn't bittersweet for me, I don't understand how people can describe it like that, is it the fact that everybody is dead? Like Christian Shephard says
Everyone dies sometime, kiddo.
In my opinion, it was more of a "....And they lived happily ever after" finish.

There is so much to go through that I'm going to do a rundown of some noteworthy major characters, so in no particular order, here they are:


Had I known what she would have done later in Season 6, then I might have been a little less harsh on the episode "What Kate Does", as that episode was necessary for the story to progress the way it did. She killed the MIB in epic fashion and for me, that totally redeemed her character. I've never been a huge fan of hers, always running away from her issues instead of taking responsibilty for what she did, regardless of her good intentions, she was still the reason for at least 2 people dying and then she even flat out refused to take the fall for it when she was making deals with the prosecution in Season 4. Her manipulation of the Jack/Sawyer situation didn't exactly do her any favours, but I was indeed happy that she and Jack ended up together right before he died...and then after...? From the very first episode I always knew that Jack and Kate were meant to be together and the Sawyer/Juliet stuff was just another bump in the road for them. Let's hope Kate doesn't become a homewrecker in Heaven/Hell/Latin.


Ah, his character was mysterious, exciting and in a way - loveable. Everything he ever did was for the good of the people on the island and that is ammicable. He's saved so many lives and yet...the average fan just sees him as that ageless dude that was taking orders from Ben/Jacob. His backstory shows that he has had the worst experiences out of all of the Lost gang and he never complained about it (that we saw). Jacob recruited Richard because he wanted somebody to communicate with the people that came to the island, so that the MIB couldn't manipulate them or even kill them. I'm not sure how successful that turned out to be (especially under Ben's regime with the purge and stuff) but essentially, I think it helped to have a 2nd in command. I loved the Richard character and it's a pity we didn't see more of him. Who knows what kind of life he ended up living after he left on the Ajira flight, but I'm sure after he died, he found his own peace with Isabella...in Heaven/Hell/Latin.


What a waste of a character, a shit one at that. Added nothing to the dynamic of the group and was essentially boring. Then she went and got herself blown up ("Blown up? You said my parents died in a car crash!!"...heh...had to.) Her character deserves a place in Heaven/Hell...but not Latin. Even though she was...was she Latino? I dunno. Who cares. Everytime I watch the dynamite scene from now on, I shall shout "OPA!" Just for shits and giggles.

Rose & Bernard

They weren't exactly Adam & Eve (I was wrong...I know), but they certainly added a light-hearted feel to whole thing. When things are going shit for everybody (like Jack's gonna blow up the island) they give us a different perspective to the one we're used to. In their eyes, they really don't care if they die or not, as long as they're together why should it matter? They have faith and that's what makes them accept their fate; that they're going to die no matter what. As little as they were shown in the last 2 seasons, their appearances have always been, to some degree, important. They were like the Grandparents of the Islanders, always there when there is a need for good, heartwarming advice. I hope they give God/Ltn. John The Flying Beaver some good times in Heaven/Hell/Latin.


The big guy was certainly comic relief and in the finale he proved to be much more than that. The producers created the role FOR Jorge Garcia, something which is extremely believable as he is obviously such a tremendous character. Up until somewhere around the fourth season, Hurley was more of a background character, I never thought that he would be such a huge asset to the end game of Lost. He is most definitely one of my top 5 favourite characters as the show would have been extremely mundane without him...we totally needed him when the shit hit the fan. Who knows how long he lived as leader of the island or how he changed things, but I do know this; Ltn. John the Flying Beaver/God will be very proud to have him in Heaven/Hell/Latin.


Bringing Ben in was one of the smartest things the producers ever did on the show. He is truly the biggest cunt on the face of the Earth and yet pretty much redeemed himself in the last season, especially the Finale. He killed at least 40 people in the purge, murdered John Locke, was responsible for Sayid slaughtering all those men and women and yet...we still hoped that Ben was a good guy didn't we? He has alot to atone for and that's why I think he waited outside the church, to repent and hopefully one day join his fellow castaways to wherever they're going. John Locke's forgiveness of Ben and all of the wicked things he'd done was probably one of the greatest scenes in the entire series, emotion-wise. I hope he enjoys life with Danielle and Alex in the between life and I am glad that he and Hurley had a great time on the island, I always knew there was a certain chemistry (no homo) between them, especially after the Season Four episode Cabin Fever. To Ben: Give 'em Hell...in Hell!/Heaven/Latin.


I think for me, he didn't make much of an impact as I'd like in the grand scheme of things. I guess they didn't know what to do with him, too many cooks and all that. He went through alot of shit to be the good guy that he turned out to be, even when the love of his life perished, it didn't take long for him to stop blaming Jack and start getting on with what's important: Surviving. He felt great shame for what happened to Jin, Sun and Sayid, but luckily Jack reassured him that it wasn't his fault and it was this moment that I think Sawyer realised that Jack had only the best intentions at heart...just like him. Sawyer has been the victim of some really bad writing in the past (Recon), but it didn't stop him from being a great character. Do you think Ltn. John The Flying Beaver can be conned by him in Heaven/Hell/Latin?

Just how is he special? What exactly are the powers he possesses?

The questions above are ones that I never need to have answered. What's the point? Do you ask how magic occurs in Harry Potter? No, because it's fiction, just like Lost. That is why, when Jacob first appeared I knew that he would be an epic character. He'd been mentioned as early as Season 3, but we didn't really have a clue who this guy was, all he did was give "The Others" lists with people's names on them and they acted like they feared him. It was at the end of Season Five that we actually got to see this guy...and he didn't seem scary at all! His evil twin brother on the other hand was nutso, yes that's right, I said EVIL. Jacob to me was a good man with alot of flaws, his job as protector made him that way, aswell as the fact that he made a grave mistake when he popped his brother into the source and thus The Smoke Monster was born. I think Jacob has always had the best intentions, his campfire chat with the losties definitely gave us some closure on that even if some will disagree. If it wasn't for Jacob, I think Season Six would have sucked even more than it did. Let's hope he doesn't make Ltn. John The Flying Beaver a candidate by "touching" him in Heaven/Hell/Latin.


They could have done so much more with this character, I have no idea why in the blue HELL they did what they did to him...however getting to see Terry O' Quinn as a legit bad guy was incredible and I forgive the producers for killing him off like they did.

What a troubled character he was though eh? From a young age he was tested to see how "special" he was, to see if he could be the new leader of "The Others" I suppose and it was only for a few minutes that Richard was able to welcome him into this secluded group of people when all of a sudden, Locke got time-flashed. His reign from that point on was over and the real struggle began. It's here that I began to think that Boone wasn't the sacrifice the island demanded, it was Locke all along, especially if we consider the Island to be the Smoke Monster (in the metaphorical sense).

His time on the Island was amazing, his interactions with people like Jack, Ben, Charlie, Boone and Eko made him one of a kind and it was from these people that he developed the drive to become a natural born leader. I'm glad that he got what he wanted in the afterlife and I sincerely hope that we can remember him as the guy he was in Seasons 1-2 and not the confused, pathetic guy that the producers turned him out to be in Seasons 3-5. Long Live Locke...in Heaven/Hell/Latin.


A man of Science and eventually a man of Faith, Jack epitomised what Lost was about. His life outside of the island wasn't too exciting (we don't exactly remember him for how he got his tattoos), but his on-island life had the ups and downs of a true hero and this is what made his character real to the fans. He saved many lives starting from the first episode and that never stopped throughout Lost's tenure. Never turning his back on his castaway friends, he was always loyal and ready for any action that the bad guys through at him, I would say this is why everybody loved Jack and why they needed him when the going got tough. Jack is overall my favourite character, which would surprise alot of people who know me because, I always bitched about Jack, especially during Season 3, but that was because all he could do was scream, make matters worse for himself and generally act like a tool. Like I said however, he NEEDED to do all that to make him what he was at the end of the finale...no not dead - a saviour. His relationship with Locke was unfortunate, they never got along and it was only after John died that Jack realised that Locke was actually right all along. What was he right about? The Island. It took alot for him to understand that not everything is down to science, sometimes you need to take a leap of faith. I know that Jack will rest easy now with his friends and enjoy his time in Heaven/Hell/Latin.

...More Thoughts

This blog has took me about a week to write, I've been doing it in portions here and there because I just simply haven't had the concentration to sit down and focus primarily on it. Life has beckoned and I've had to take a step back from some things and a step forward toward others. It has been roughly 10 days since the Finale and I was satisfied with how it ended, no matter how many loose ends there were. There are a few things that niggle at me about some of the answers though...

"Adam & Eve" skeletons could not have survived in the jungle for 2000 years. The producers had promised that they have known since day one who these people were, but it's pretty obvious that they had no idea and were playing it by ear. Jack said that clothing like that would take around 50 years to deteriorate and I know Jack doesn't know everything, but he was out by a couple of thousand years. Proof that they were making it up as they went along.

"The Monster" We never got closure on this, the biggest question of Lost. Guy gets shafted into the "Source" and becomes a black pillar of smoke who can read minds and shape shift? On the other hand, the source has been mentioned only briefly by John Locke when he described his encounter with the Monster as a "bright light"...at least I assume that's what he was talking about.

"The Rules" Wtf were they? They seem so specific and huge to the mythology of Lost and all we got was...well...nothing. We don't know what they are, who made them or why they were made. Were they the same rules that Widmore and Ben had to follow...even though Ben didn't follow them when he shot Widmore and nothing happened to him...infact it turned out he had an awesome life with Hurley on the island! Ehh, go bollocks.

That's all I can come up with. This isn't my final blog about Lost as I'm sure in the future I will be rewatching the entire thing, but for now I think I'm going to give it a rest and blog about whatever else comes to my mind. I love Lost and I know alot of my friends do aswell, but we have to remember that it's a TV show and our lives must come first, we can't obsess too much or it can affect our lives in a bad way. I know somebody who, just recently, got a little too involved in regards to obsessing about the characters and let it control their life...this person then posted a "suicide" status on Facebook, which I'm sure was unrelated, but nevertheless unnerving. I swiftly deleted this person from my list as I tend to stay away from psycho babble.

I'm really sorry for my bad grammar and lack of constructive sentences, I'm not an author afterall. Lost has been an amazing and I wanna say cheers to Laura for having some good, honest discussion with me about it, Lisa tends to agree with everything I say, but Laura's always been up for a good ole fashioned debate, so thanks for that.

Anyway, I must stop this blog before it becomes even more boring than it already is. Thanks for reading, it's been a blast!

'Till next time...

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Some thoughts...

Wednesday, 19 May 2010 by Al Kay

Hi. Yeah I dunno how to start this blogpost off, which is a first for me because as you can tell by the others that I've written, I usually have a subject in mind. That being said however, I do have a couple of things that I want to ramble about, the first being...


I have just watched "What They Died For" and I can't believe what a fantastic episode it was! I wasn't that pumped for it to be honest, especially after last week's episode which was kind of like marmite (I couldn't decide whether I loved it or hated it) and so far the whole season has been like that in a way. "What They Died For" was a mixture of mythology, character development (even at this late stage) and nostalgia. There wasn't as much to take in as last week's episode and it certainly made me get that excited feeling, like it's coming to a satisfying end. The penultimate episode of Lost was a relief because I was almost beginning to lose faith in what has been a legendary series. I shall be celebrating the Finale next week with a few beers.


I can't help but think how fast things are going, maybe it's my age but every year I feel time is passing me by faster than the previous one. Before I turned 21 last month, I did feel a bit down about how I had lived my life, especially in my teen years...wasted youth? While everyone else was getting their lives in check, I was in my room categorising my DVDs in alphabetical order and wondering what I would be having for dinner the following day. There was no way I could have done anything different though, so I can't really have any kind of regrets...you can't regret something that you had no control over right? Fear is something that everyone has to deal with and for some reason it has consumed my life since the day I was born, thus what should have been some of the best years of my life, were actually some of the worst. On a brighter note, I still have the future and anything can happen, so I will keep my chin up. If all else fails, they do have McDonalds in Sweden...that always makes me happy.


I've been playing alot of Beatles songs on the guitar lately, I'm just getting to grips with how clever they were, technically speaking. I can understand why people think they're overrated, but I think they deserve every single bit of recignition they get, their songs had more meaning than anything in the Top 40 combined, although that's not saying alot is it?
I'm sick of hearing about this Justin Bieber guy, he's just some Canadian in a crooked hat that can't sing, same with Miley Cyrus...if she were to wear a crooked hat that is. You know you're getting older when you think stuff like that is the Devil...or as my friends would say "Divil". Kiwis eh? Sorry about the rant, but today's "icons" need shooting.

To be honest I don't listen to alot of music, which I'm pretty sure is down to the guitar. Everytime I listen to a song I'm thinking of what key it's in or what kind of equipment is used etc etc. It can be tiresome, especially when you just want to sit down and relax. That is one of the many faults with playing an instrument, you become a lot closer with the music and you strive to equal or better whatever you're listening to, it's an uphill struggle. It's not all doom and gloom though, nothing beats wailing out on the guitar, whether it's acoustic or electric, that feeling never goes.

The Blog

I still enjoy writing in this blog, somedays I make an effort, somedays I don't. I'm not going to set myself days to update because then I don't think I'd enjoy doing it as much. There are things that everyday I tell myself "oo, should write about that" and usually I do, somethings are very difficult to write about though as I'll only have about a paragraph of thought which I can leave to Facebook.
The response has been great, I didn't expect so many people to read it, especially family members who I haven't spoke to in years. It's not exactly getting us relatives together, but it's certainly helping me to interact with people who I've known all my life, but barely spoken to. Since my grandparents died, the family has kind of split up and now that I've moved to Sweden, there's not much possibility for me to see them anymore. Shame, I know, but that's life.


I know i've sunk a bit in this blogpost, but it's that time of year where you get those nostalgic feelings of "What if.." and "If only...". We all get like this, this is why we all crave the hot weather, because it gives us chance to go out for walks and think about everything, past, present and future.
Speaking of walks, the caravans are parked up next to the beach now, I was aware this would happen around this time and as expected I'm feeling a bit of anxiety, it hasn't stopped us from getting out though, we just have to be a bit wary of the times that we do. I still need to teach Lisa how to be with me outside around this time with people...she forgets to be on the side closest to them, but I give her a little shove and she understands. I would have said "poke" but that sounds weird.

Anyway, she's graduating soon so that's fun. She's got a few jobs lined up for the Summer, luckily the hours are flexible so we can still spend alot of time together which is important. It seems we're moving on to bigger and better things, with University for her just around the corner and...well I don't have alot going on but hey, I'm making progress everyday. I still feel shitty around people but I think that's always going to be there no matter what, there is no cure for what I have, I have to make the best of it and live my life day by day.

As I said, not alot is going on in my life right now, still playing guitar and cleaning this mess of an apartment. When I'm not doing those things, I'm chatting online to Tari and Jimfuck which is always fun and sometimes uncomfortable due to Tari's gum fetish...long story. Oh yeah and when he was 3, Jimfuck kicked a baby kangeroo...that one had me laughing for a good 2 minutes. We have a thriving Facebook group called "I am a man...from Latin", the most random stuff gets posted there and we have a good time, Jimfuck and I are the dictators, with Lisa and Tari as our...well I guess they're dictators too now that we made them Admins. Immature stuff, but I really need the humour, Lisa's not exactly a comedian and Swedish TV is about as entertaining as The Weather Channel. Yeah, I gave it a try and realised I couldn't stand the adverts and subtitles. I will be looking into a way to watch British TV, possibly on my laptop soon, I don't miss it too much, infact it's done me some good to be away from it, but I think it'd be nice to know my options in regards to it.

Probably my most honest blog to date, infact it was more of an update of how things are, which I never thought I would do here. I tend to usually have an interesting topic and work around that, but today I just felt the need to do a rambling blog, so excuse my poor use of the English language. I realise my style is not to everyone's taste, so to those who have taken a dislike to what I write about...BLOW IT UP YER ASS! Just kidding, I really like saying that though.

So yeah, that's what I'm thinking about right now.

'Till next time....

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Allen Weighs In On Lost Part 2

Monday, 17 May 2010 by Al Kay

(If you haven't caught up with the latest episode of Lost Across The Sea then don't read this.)

I didn't expect to be doing another blog in regards to Lost before the Finale...but I think I've finally pieced some of it together.

The Man in Black.

So I really haven't figured out what happened to him in the last episode, whether he's the smoke monster or whether he was just another victim of the smoke monster, anyways I'm going to give an overall theory on a few things and why I think he has something to do with them.

Now we all know that pregnant women who concieve on the island have little to no chance of carrying the child full term, resulting in death of baby and mother, however that only started some point after "The Incident". Now we assume that the smoke monster has been trying to kill some of the potential candidates since it manifested itself as John Locke, I mean that's all we've been shown right? Wrong. I believe he's been trying to kill off the candidates since Day 1 and he is what caused the pregnancy issues somehow. He didn't want anymore possible candidates to replace Jacob's job, he wants a way off of the island by any means necessary so he'll kill whoever he has to to make that happen.

That's not all, notice how alot of deaths on the show have been somehow influenced by certain unexplainable events? Boone died because John Locke had a vision...could it be that this was the smoke monster playing with his mind? Boone's sister Shannon saw what we think was Walt, which led her to her death by Ana Lucia. Nikki and Paulo were paralysed by the Madusa Spiders (which were actually a manefestation of the monster) and this certainly led to their death. John Locke was manipulated to die by Christian Shephard (who the smoke monster admitted was him all along). Of course the monster has directly killed alot of people, could this be because they themselves broke whatever rules that were set by MIB and Jacob?

Kidnapping Kids

In short, I think "The Others" kidnapped children because they were the best possible candidates. Just like "Mother" stole the twins off of Claudia, she knew that one of them would replace her...hence why they kidnapped Zach, Emma, Aaron and Walt. Children haven't seen the wide world yet so getting them while they're young makes it easier for them to adapt to Island life and eventually Jacob's position as...well I don't know what Jacob is really. Leader? Protector? Weirdo? Eh, whatever, kids are easier to manipulate I would guess...Although I don't know why they let Walt go...to every theory I have, there is going to be holes.

The Source

After his first encounter with the Monster in Season One, Locke stated,
"I looked into the eye of this Island, and what I saw was beautiful".
For me, this sums up that they have had "The Source" in mind for a while. I have no idea how Locke saw it from his experience with the monster; perhaps the monster manifested itself into an image of it, or even dragged him towards it...who knows if we'll ever find out. More proof that he possibly knew about the source is when he spoke to Eko and described his encounter with the monster as seeing a "bright light" and in the Season One finale, Locke wanted to be dragged by the monster into one of those vent things, remember? (Side Note: I really think it's a shame what they did with the Locke character, he had so much potential...no matter what he does in these sideways flashes, I don't think there is going to be redemption for the man we all knew and loved)

Which brings me to...

John Locke

What more is there to learn about him? Well, I think we have seen all we need to...some of us may not have known it though. In the last episode "Across The Sea", it is quite clear that "Mother" intended MIB to take over her job, this is why he recieved the special treatment...however not all things go to plan as Jacob is the one who takes over eventually, after MIB shuns them both for life with another group of people and refuses to allow "Mother" to tell him what to do (in a nutshell).
What does any of this have to do with John Locke? Look at the parallels! I believe that he was "The Chosen One" by Jacob, he had the will and desire to protect and serve the island, even in death (which is exactly what he did)...however he was never meant to die, MIB used all of his energy and resources to get Ben to kill him (MIB couldn't do it directly because this would have been a major rule break). Jacob picked Locke as his main candidate, the others were just backups incase anything happened (which it did). Locke is MIB and Jack is Jacob. Jack is Jacob's replacement now, not exactly his first choice but he'll do. Which is exactly what happened with Jacob, MIB and "Mother". I hope I'm making SOME sense.

David's Mother & Jack's Cut.

This is one of the things about the sideways flashes that I'm actually interested in! Wahay! LOL. I'm not sure what kind of impact this would have on Lost as a whole, or the current storyline even, but this is something that I hope gets cleared up before Lost is gone forever. David is Jack's son who's mother is still to be identified. I've narrowed it down to 3 choices...

  1. Juliet
  2. Kate
  3. Sarah
Juliet because I don't think her time on Lost has come to a complete close, we have yet to see her in the sideways flashes and I think maybe we're going to find out what the whole "we should go Dutch!" thing was right after the Nuke...exploded(?).

Kate...well, I don't honestly think it's her as she has already met Jack in the sideways and they were strangers to eachother. However I thought I'd say her just in case, worse things have happened on Lost (Do I have to remind you of the whole temple shit that we had to endure for 5+ eps?).

Sarah is the one I'm really rooting for. She isn't the most popular character (by far) but she is DAMN hot...can't we get her back on Lost for just a few minutes? All jokes aside, I think it would be a great reveal if she was, I have no other reason to think she is though.

The other thing that I'm quite interested in is where the Hell Jack got that cut on his neck in the Season 6 premiere? What kind of significance does that have on the rest of the season? My thoughts? Knowing Jack, he probably cut himself shaving. Doughnut. Unless it's some kind of epic battle that he has with MIB then I have no idea.


I don't have alot to say about him, but I want to make my point clear...he is GOOD. He regrets terribly what happened to "Mother" and MIB...can't you tell? Look at everyone on Lost...they've all done stupid things, some have even resorted to torture and murder. In the words of Eko, they did what they needed to do to survive. Jacob had no idea what he was doing when he pushed MIB into The Source, MIB had just killed the one person Jacob loved and trusted. To Jacob, she was his mother no matter what...if someone killed your mother, for whatever reasons, what would you do? Look at what Jack has done to get where he is...nobody is perfect! Which brings me to...

The Ending

The Island sinking is the end. It is the end of all the troubles that the damned thing has caused, I can't imagine the amount of people that have died for it. The end can't be Jack taking Jacob's place, that is not finite, that is a loop. There is a reason the show has been focused on the passengers of Flight 815, it's because they are the end of a game that has lasted since time began - Across The Sea proved that. We will never know how it all started, who became the first "Jacob", because before him there was "Mother" and it goes on and on... It's neverending...until now. I want resolution for my favourite characters, I want them to get away from that rock...what good is Jack as the new "leader"? What does it accomplish? We've seen it happen before! That isn't resolution. So here's hoping that the Island doesn't destroy anyone else's life... unless it's Kate's.

That's all I want to say about Lost right now, apologies for my lack of writing skill in this one, it's almost 1am, I'm boiling hot in this apartment thanks to the hot weather and today has been testing to say the least (if my Autism was The Source, then I went head-first in it this morning).

Who knows what I'll talk about in my next Lost blog. This might even be the last one before it ends. Scary. I'll try and do one before the Finale...yes infact I will!

(Another Side Note: You know, if I am right about my main theories, then that could mean that it's took me 5 years to figure out what Lost is all about..only a couple of episodes before the finale! Not exactly amazing stuff, but I would be satisfied)

'Till next time....

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Allen Weighs In On Lost...

Friday, 7 May 2010 by Al Kay

Lost Theories.

It's late and my mind is working overdrive thinking of the tiniest little things...the kind of things that make you wonder whether you're crazy, dumb, or the smartest thing since Einstein. A random thought came to me, which was then passed on to my friend Laura who, bless her, somehow responded with some words of comfort, understanding, confusion, empathy and most of all *INSIDE JOKE ALERT!* "Haybo". My thought was on the subject of Lost and the fact that so many little things and so many big things have not been answered on the show, so I wanted to show off my own little theories on the things that I believe might be answered before the show is over. I really just wanna see if I'm right, wrong or just plain insane.

So here begins the mindless drivel of a 21 year old with temporary insomnia.
Let's start with what I would suggest are the bigger mysteries:

The Monster.

Since the Pilot, this has been the single biggest mystery of all, this is what made Lost different from all the other TV shows out there. The "unknown threat" as it were, has been a murderous villain throughout the series who has manipulated, murdered and confused the survivors of Oceanic 815 and even people before then ala Richard Alpert and the DHARMA Initiative. The monster is made of what looks to be smoke and static (?)... and he can shape shift between other forms like the Medusa Spiders and Yemi. Currently he is under the guise of a dead John Locke and apparently according to Illana cannot change anymore (apart from being that black smoke thing).

The Monster has always been a huge mystery to me, even my best guess has sounded like utter crap to myself and everyone else. Apparantly he used to be human perhaps? Maybe we'll get his back story on that and why he turned into a creepy black smoke thing. I think it certainly has something to do with the Island's powers, if it has any? I mean, it does have time travel, why not the ability to turn the average human being into a big massive fuck off monster. Jacob and Dogen seem to think that he is the essence of all evil in the world...what does this mean? That he's the devil? They're in Hell? Maybe. Also, I'd like to suggest that in "The Man Behind The Curtain" when Ben took Locke to "visit" Jacob, perhaps it wasn't Jacob at all that went all crazy, perhaps it was the MIB all along...which has been suggested by alot of people, so this isn't completely my own idea, but it's a theory I tend to stick to.

Adam and Eve.

(This is something that IS going to be answered before or during the Finale)

The skeletons in the caves which were nicknamed by John Locke have been a mystery since the beginning of the first season, one of them had two stones in their pocket, one white and one black. The producers have confirmed that Adam and Eve are indeed important and are proof that the show has always been built around a certain theme that we may yet to have discovered.

I'm not 100% convinced but I would place a small amount of money on the assumption that these remains are those of Rose and Bernard Nadler. We don't know where they've been since "The Incident" and their presense in Lost has been uplifting and helpful to the rest of the 815 survivors. There was an anagram in the Room 23 video: "Only Fools Are Enslaved By Time and Space" when jumbled is "Bones of Nadlers May Lay Deep In Lost Cave". This doesn't clear up the mystery at all as far as I'm concerned, maybe it would be too obvious? Or maybe they're hiding in plain sight.


MIB and Jacob have had a relationship that is far from solid. While they seem friendly and civil towards eachother, there is an underlying hatred there as Jacob won't let MIB leave, thus in turn, MIB wants to kill Jacob...and does (with Ben's help). The nature of their lives are governed by a set of rules that each must follow...I think. There are loopholes (as proved by MIB when he got Ben to kill Jacob) and there are obstacles (MIB cannot ultimately kill any of the candidates). Which brings the question...candidates for what? Leadership? Eh. There are plenty of questions regarding this matter. Who made the rules? Why? Do the mysterious boys that appear to MIB have anything to do with it? What would happen if MIB were to leave the island?

In regards to the questions above, it would be impossible to have any kind of theory really. I don't think I know enough yet to establish a credible thought, however I could take a guess. I believe the significance of the rivalry is the backbone of Lost, I believe this was well thought up a long time ago by the producers, at least since the end of Season One. The only thing that I can say is that I believe that Jacob and MIB are brothers, maybe even twins. So much for a theory.

Sideways Flashes.

To be perfectly honest, I want to say it right here, right now, in writing..."Expose" aside, I believe that this has been the weakest plot point of the entire series. I am not too happy about it and it's going to take alot in these last few episodes to convince me that these weren't a complete waste of fucking time. Once again, if you're a fan of the show, you'll know what I mean by "Sideways Flashes" Now that that's out of the way, what do I truly believe they are?

They seem to be the result of Jughead exploding...however how does that explain the Island submerging? A nuke would not sink an island, an island is not sinkable, especially since only the core of the bomb was used, thus making it less effective if anything. Unless it's not your typical island - structure wise - like there wasn't a very sturdy bottom to it? Bollocks. There are a few other things that I think may be the answer, for instance maybe Desmond has something to do with it? Widmore wants to test this guy using electromagnetic machines and shit...fuck it, I can't continue with a feesable theory for it, I don't think I have all the pieces to the puzzle yet to figure out what it could be. So in short, it's anyone's guess.


Once again the producers have confirmed that this is something that they will, in some way, clear up, however they also said that it might not be in the actual show (whatever that means). The P.R.D is the Periodic Resupply Drop. It is a food pallet intended for the inhabitants of the Swan hatch and possibly other DHARMA stations. The mystery here is that long after the purge the P.R.D was still functioning - somebody in a helicopter (or plane) had been dropping these supplies even though the DHARMA Initiative had been "defeated". Who was doing it and why?

Well, I would assume it has something to do with Faraday as he spent some time in Ann Arbor, Michigan (DHARMA HQ), but that's a very loose guess. Another plausable answer could be the fact that the time on-island is different to off-island. So basically, while it's 2004 on-island, it could be 1974 off-island, therefore the pallet could be coming from a different time to what the "Losties" think it is...or thought it was...or could be?


How do I think it's going to end? Well ultimately I have a few inklings, maybe Jack will save the day like he always almost kinda never does? There has been alot of sacrifice, which I think is a major theme when it comes to Lost. Examples: Sayid blowing himself up (and not for the sake of Allah), John Locke and that whole hanging/killing/murder thing, Jacob when he let Ben stab him, Charlie when he drowned himself to unblock the signal, Jin when he drowned himself to stay with Sun, Boone according to Locke was the sacrifice that the Island demanded. There are plenty more examples of sacrifice, not all leading to death of course, but they've all had a major impact on the show as a whole. They were all game-changers. I believe there will be resolution, unsolved mysteries and a shit load of death. If Jack or Hurley die then it's kinda unfortunate as they have been the best characters in my opinion especially in this dire last season.

When all is said and done, I shall post another blog stating my theories on the things that they didn't answer. I really hope the producers have an Ace up their sleeve, because I'm having serious doubts as we're coming toward the end of the show, it's important that they wrap it up in a way that pleases most of the fans. I personally am looking forward to the next few episodes and really hope that they are well executed and in a word: Epic.

'Till next time...

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Johnny Depp

Tuesday, 4 May 2010 by Al Kay

(I take the piss out of the French near the bottom of this blog...sorry? I don't really hate the French.)

Here's a justified rant at a semi-talented wannabe rock star...no not me, Johnny Depp.

Johnny Depp

The main thing that bugs me about this guy, is the fact that he overacts in every movie he's in. Someone needs to tell this dude to chill out, he doesn't need to make every character he plays "out of this world", we get it, you want to be a bit of a rebel when it comes to playing a part...but it's been done to death mate!

I was watching the original Willy Wonka the other day and wow, everything was so shit about this film that it made it the greatest film ever...does that make sense? Each time I watch it I think "that doesn't look real, my mum could do better" but of course, they made it that way on purpose (and decent technology wasn't around at the time). Gene Wilder was fantastic, he really made everything so believable. Dreams could come true with that guy. The film in general is awesome.

Fast forward a few decades to '05 and there is a remake, this time it's called "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory" subtle name change, but essentially the same thing. This time with Indian uumpaa luumpaas and squirrels instead of chickens or whatever they were. Johnny Depp is Willy Wonka, since Tim Burton directed the fucking thing, who would have expected anyone else? Anyways, I had a hard time enjoying that movie...not because of the dodgy animating, not because of the bad casting of Charlie, not because of the laziness of them old people in bed together, not because of the unrealistic house of crap that the Bucket family lived in, but because of Johnny Depp...WTF did he do to poor Willy Wonka? ....Made him a fricking lunatic! As if he wasn't loony enough in the original.
In this sad pathetic excuse for a remake, Johnny Depp turned the confident, outgoing, hilarious Willy Wonka, into a...creepy nutbag with daddy issues. As if that's not bad enough, there was some awkward dancing by Charlie's grandad, Helena Bonham Carter's teeth made her less sexy (she's still fit though) and the ending was worse than when Frodo got on that boat (THE FUCK WAS THAT ALL ABOUT?!?!).

Then there's Pirates of the Caribbean...actually, I couldn't sit through more than 20 minutes of that film, it might not have been down to ole' Depp that one.

Sleepy Hollow...'nuff said.

Well, I could go on and on about how crap he is, but I don't have the energy in my calloused fingertips anymore. He should stay with the French in France as far as I'm concerned, or Hell...same difference. (Ouch...yeah too mean, the English in me still hates the French even if I'm in Sweden now...it was really hard to watch the Da Vinci Code the other night because of the French.) I kid, there's nothing wrong with the French.

You can blame the lack of writing skill in this blog on Johnny Depp as well.

'Till next time

(P.S. I don't actually hate Johnny Depp...I'm exaggerating for comedic effect. Sue me. It's also an opinion..kinda like a movie review if you want...no need to hate is there?)
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