Years ago when I was a lad, the Summer for me was a time to get away from school for 6 weeks so me and my friends could have mega waterfights, excitedly long bike rides and a few games of football on the field. Then, as I dropped out of school from the age of 15 due to the crippling nature of my Autism, it became a time for playing board games in the garden with my mother and that carried on until I moved to Sweden.
That was then though...
The Summer of 2010 has been the most enjoyable, most relaxing and by far the best time I've ever had.
We had the Eurovision Song Contest, the FiFa World Cup, Lisa's Graduation and a whole bunch of other stuff that I can't be fucked listing. For most people, my Summer would seem boring but when you can't exactly get out of the house much it's been a welcome relief to have some FUN! Obviously it's been packed here at the beach so most of the stuff we've done has been inside, not exactly a perk but at least I wasn't sweating buckets in the too-hot-for-fat-folk weather. I didn't actually go on the beach all Summer, shame really but what could I have done? I'm not risking panic attacks just so I can get some sand on my feet, fuck that :p.
Moving the title of this post suggests, it is indeed the end of the Summer here, sure we'll maybe have a few nice days here and there but it's not the same, I can already feel the bitey wind that Gotland is known for. Gotland is also known for hedgehogs and my fuck...there were tons! The nature here is out of this world, I've never seen so many animals in all my life - foxes, frogs, toads, dragonflies, snakes, mice, lizards, caterpillars, rabbits and squirrels. There's even a shitload of crickets chirping away like you hear in American movies when it's night time. Mosquitos are a fucking bitch though.
Ahh, Gotland is fun.
Too bad I've been sick for the past 2 weeks though, I looked it up online and I'm almost positive it's the flu...I dunno what kind or "strain" it is but it's a pain in the ass. With a simple cold all you have to deal with is a runny nose and a bit of lightheadedness, with the flu you can't even get out of bed because of the aching joints. I'm in the latter stages of it though so I'll be fine within a few days I reckon.
I'm gonna keep it short and end it there, I felt like writing and I didn't want to over do it, sometimes I just go on and on, other times I just feel like writing a paragraph. So in closing, Summer was amazing and I hope everyone else is doing well. Thanks for reading!
'Till next time....
Sounds awesome dood
Do they do that eurovision thing every year?
Yep same time every year :D
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