
Friday, 23 April 2010 by Al Kay

(My memory is a little fuzzy, so forgive me for my lack of detail)

My Musical Journey.

It was inevitable that I would blog about this, it's indeed my biggest obsession and has been for close to 7 years (and counting).

I've always had a love of music, from the age of 4 I was a huge Michael Jackson fan, from then until my teen years there was barely any other music in my life that I enjoyed - yep, it was hard to beat MJ back then. Of course when I turned 12 that's when I started enjoying other genres of music like rock and what would best be described as nu-metal? Mainly stuff like Linkin Park, Korn and Limp varied, I wasn't stuck in a phase of crappy screechy "emo" rock bands (the term rock is seriously debatable when it comes to Linkin Park though). Sometimes I gave rap and hip hop a listen. It was never my thing though.

To be honest, I was never satisfied musically, I was always looking for something different and I think everyone does that from time to time. I never sought to do anything more than listen though, which is why in the Spring of 2003 I had finally found the missing piece of the puzzle.

So it begins...

I was stuck babysitting rabbits, my sister had gone on holiday for a week so she left me in charge of her room while she was gone. This room would eventually be mine as she moved out that same year. Anyway, there wasn't alot for me to do really, just make sure they didn't gnaw on any electricals or valuables and just maintain everything until she returned. What does any of this have to do with music? You'll see.

So, I still had to go to school even though the bunnies were most likely terrorising the room while I was gone, but hey what can you do? So it must have been a Friday as we had a music lesson in the afternoon. Usually for music we would piss about with computers and midi programs, it was all pretty boring and taught us nothing, which is why I was relieved when I saw my science teacher Mr Heath come in with an acoustic guitar. He was going to give us a guitar lesson, my first and last.
In all honesty I was shit, I couldn't hold down the strings with my weak fingers to save my life...chords were a fucking nightmare. I could sense the frustration on Mr Heath's face, not just with me, but with everybody, I'm guessing he hadn't given too many guitar lessons or we were just the worst he'd ever taught. Nevertheless, after about an hour he gave up on the basics and just taught us how to play our favourite songs on one string. It was then that I learnt my first riff - Seven Nation Army by the White Stripes. I played it over and over with my friends and we had a laugh.

It was rare that I went home with a feeling of excitement, I couldn't believe that I could actually play something on the guitar. I didn't tell my mum or anything, she was busy, so I went upstairs to check on the rabbits and have some time alone to think about the day. I remember opening the door to find one of the rabbits on the bed staring at's weird the little things you remember isn't it? Anyway, I was exhausted so I moved the rabbit and laid down, all I could think about was the guitar and that riff. It was playing in my head like a broken record.
It was then that I looked over and saw that Sally had a guitar (I don't actually know if she is aware of this story at all), it was a classical 3/4 beginner, obviously I had no idea what that meant at the time. I picked it up and gave it a strum, it was most likely out of tune, but back then I doubt I would have noticed. It felt weird because, even though I swore I had memorised how to play it, I just couldn't. Eventually however, after about half an hour or so, I had found the right place on the fret board to pick and play the riff. The feeling was awesome.

That's all I remember unfortunately, I said before that it's weird how one can remember such little things, but I believe it's even stranger when you forget such big things. All I know is that somehow I ended up getting that guitar off Sally (did I buy it or something?) and learnt a ton of new stuff because of it.

Going Electric

Similar to Bob Dylan (yeah right), it was my time to move on from what was essentially a toy, to what is essentially the thing that helped me progress the most in my ability. That of course is the Electric Guitar. As I was still a beginner and had limited funds, I had to purchase the cheapest guitar out there...from Littlewoods. For those that don't know what Littlewoods is, it's basically a catalogue store that let you pay for your stuff on a weekly basis...and charge a shitload of interest in the process, not only that but my mum would get a commission. It's your standard rip-off. Anyway, I had probrably spent around £150 (which took me around a year to pay off by the way) for the shittest guitar ever made - once again, I had no idea at the time. It came with the shittest amp, the shittest strap and they even forgot to include a shitty cable, which meant I actually had to send the whole shitty lot back and wait 2 shitty weeks for them to deliver it again...with the shitty cable this time.

So, I quickly progressed, learning new songs, new techniques and even whole albums. The first album that I could play all the way through was American Idiot by Green Day. I could play plenty of their other stuff too, but American Idiot, even now, is an integral part of my musical ability...even though Green Day couldn't play their way out of a paper bag.

It wasn't just Green Day however, bands like Blink 182 and the Foo Fighters were added to my repetoire, which kept growing and growing. Of course, this was all power chords and little licks here and there, I would eventually branch out into other realms of guitar, it was never easy though.

The Killers

Definitely the biggest influence on my guitar playing, other than Green Day has been the Killers. In the Summer of 2005, my family and I were packing our stuff and leaving Manchester for Sutton, it was around this time that Live 8 was on. So as we were putting all our valuables into boxes we watched tons and tons of bands and artists play some awesome music. Around halfway through, the Killers came on, wearing all white. I thought "Christ..." I was actually dreading it, but they played exceptionally well, I couldn't believe how good Dave Keuning's guitar sounded! They only played one song "All These Things That I've Done", but it was probably the highlight of the entire event for me.

Over the next couple of days I loaded a blank disc full of Killers songs (that I had downloaded for free...bad Allen) because I needed some music for the long drive that Jenny and I would be taking (we were moving a bunch of stuff to the new house). It was a bit of a risk to have only one CD of songs that I'd never listened to on such a long drive...what if I didn't like them? Obviously, since I've dedicated a whole section of my blog to them, I needn't have worried.

Since then, they've released 3 more albums and a live DVD. I can play every single song they've ever made, infact, around 4 years ago, probably more, I recorded Mr Brightside on my acoustic guitar, with just a headset to record it is:


There is two tracks on there, rhythm and lead. Both done in one take each. It is ridden with mistakes and mic bumps, but I like it, it's raw.

Anyway, enough about the Killers...


Bit of an exaggeration, but yes, since I've been serious about guitar I've had to experience some pain and a little bit of sacrifice. Let's bullet point...

  • First and foremost, my fingertips are like's pretty much deadskin, I have no sensation there at all which can be annoying at times.
  • Now and again I can't feel anything in my right shoulder, all of a sudden it will just go numb.
  • In my wrist I've experienced a dull ache here and there, most likely due to RSI. These days it's mostly OK though.
  • The hand in which I hold the pick has bled numerous times, due to me strumming and my pick missing the string/s...which results in my thumb hitting it instead...major pain.
  • The joints in my left hand can hurt, especially when I'm playing power chords.
I could go on, but I can't really be bothered, the point is: IT HURTS!

The Rest is History...

I could go into some major specifics about what my setup is and all that, but obviously I'm going to do that in another blog further down the line. I also want to go into more detail of how I learnt and how I keep learning.

I will say this though...I can't believe how much I have progressed in such a short time. 7 years it has took me to get to where I am musically and it keeps going. My abilites nowadays can range from Led Zeppelin to Jimi Hendrix...if I put my mind to it and focus hard enough, I can usually play it. The more I play however, the worse the pain gets. I'm still not sure whether it's worth the tendon damage, but I guess I'll find out the hard way in years to come. Ah well, fuck my nerve endings.

For a look at some of my guitar playing, Click Here

I will most likely do another guitar blog as I didn't cover alot. There is 7 years worth of guitar playing to look back on and I want to have it written down to the best of my knowledge on here.

Anyway, this is going on too long, I'll check ya later.

'Till next time...

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Thursday, 22 April 2010 by Al Kay

(Disclaimer: If you have issues with foul language, then tough, it helps me get my point across.)


I'm gonna get straight to the point with this one. Why the fuck do we add people that we hate? We know for a fact that they're absolute cunts, yet we still have them on our friends list. I made the judgment when I created my Facebook account to add certain people that I hadn't spoke to in over half a decade, I didn't really know what Facebook was at the time, I only got it because my sister Jenny was on some tour of the world and we could keep in contact.
Anyway one person that I added in particular was a guy that everyday for all the time I knew him would say:

I'm going to commit suicide, my life is shit and I wanna die

First off, he was still alive when I added him and when I deleted him, so obviously he was pretty crap with following through with things wasn't he? He also couldn't understand why he was an outcast and had issues with people taking the piss out of him. This same guy also has around 10 piercings in his face and has green dreadlocks. Go figure. Back when I knew him though, it wasn't that bad. He'd just wear black clothes with naked dudes on the front and he would also shape his nails so that they were sharp enough to kill someone. The teachers weren't impressed and quite frankly neither were his friends. It was nothing but a cry for attention.
His personality was lovely though, Marilyn Manson was his God and he would "wait for the day that a bomb would drop down on all of us and kill any existence of humanity".

OK, enough of the cheap shots, they're way too funny. The reason I say this is because, I found out a couple of days ago that one of my old classmates had deleted me - probably because they didn't like what I had to say in my blog posts, or couldn't stand my guitar videos. I didn't ponder the reasoning for too long, all I could think was "What a fucking relief."

The person that deleted me wasn't the retarded goth, it was a fat pleb who gets way too excited over peanut butter and Tekken. Anyway, his deletion of me from his friends list made me realise that, fuck, who cares what my old classmates (who were assholes back then and are now) had for breakfast? Not me. So I deleted around 4-5 people who I thought were pricks who contributed fuck all to Facebook. They never contacted me for anything, I never contacted them for anything, we weren't friends anymore, what was the point? Their status updates sent me to sleep, as my blog posts did for them most likely. I did us all a favour and cut them out of my life.

I am extremely picky when it comes to who's on my list, it's not like I put my life on there everyday, but who wants some random tit looking at your pictures and nosying at your status updates? Not me. I obviously add family members (including Lisa's) and some of Lisa's friends in case they can't get a hold of her. I'm always interested in what my cousins are up to and we all know each other a little better now, which is why Facebook is so important. I couldn't imagine having zero contact with my family or friends, especially now that I'm in Sweden (I seriously need a break from all the Swedish stuff sometimes).

Facebook is obviously a great way for me to interact with people, it cuts out the awkward silences and the nail biting. What I can't say in real life, I say on Facebook. No eye contact necessary.

I know this blog post seems like one big rant at one disgruntled testicle's dislike towards me, but typically I'm over it... I just thought it'd be a good topic to cover on here. It's basically stuff I've wanted to say for years really. I'm very happy with how things are and now that I've said "Good riddance" to bad rubbish, I can enjoy Facebook that bit more.

That twat inadvertently made a great decision.

'Till next time....

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England Vs Sweden

Monday, 19 April 2010 by Al Kay

(Disclaimer: I am not xenophobic or racist, I do enjoy the odd joke though :P. I also understand that people from Gotland are, according to a few people, a bit different from the average Swede, but I'm still gonna generalise...mainly because I can't be assed being politically correct)

(Another Disclaimer: Not all Muslims are pissed off protesters)

England Vs Sweden

This blog is a long time coming, well, not really, I only thought about doing it yesterday. Anyway, I've decided to do a "Tale of the Tape", which is a comparison of facts and statistics between both countries. Here are my results:


Population: 9,340,682

Ethnic: 82.1% Swedish

Divorce: 54.9%

Life Expectancy: 80.9 years (whole population)

Area: 173,745 Square Miles


Population: 50,762,900

Ethnic: 83.6% White British (that includes all of Great Britain)

Divorce: 42.6%

Life Expectancy: 79.4 (whole population for the UK)

Area: 50,346 Square Miles


First of all, let's take a look at the obvious; Sweden is over 3 times the size of England and yet England has over 5 times the people. That is outrageous whichever way you look at it, England is crowded as fuck! Makes me feel less guilty about emigrating to Sweden, I think I helped out England by moving. Is it a wonder why I left? There is simply no room. Still, not as bad as China eh?

One thing that did shock me was the divorce rates. Did you know, that Sweden has the highest divorce rate IN THE WORLD? Based on personal experience with Swedish people, it shocks me. Nobody has a clue as to why, I've tried my hardest to find a reason and the closest thing I came to was that, it's a lot easier to get married over here than a lot of other countries...which still doesn't answer why there is, roughly, a 12% difference between England and Sweden. It shocks me more now than it would have before I moved here. Moving on....

Everything else is basically the same with only a few minor percentage differences. I pretty much got all my info from Wikipedia and other related sources, so take that as you want. I expected there to be a much bigger difference for the life expectancy...I would think that all the pollution and killings in England would make it lower. These days however, you just never know.

Well, that's the facts out of the way...let's get started on what I think of Sweden and England.


I am basing my opinion on personal experience, I might be bias, I might not be...either way it's an opinion and if you don't like it then leave constructive criticism, not retarded comments like "DATZ NOT TRU!!" or "RAZIZT!". You will look like a dildo.

Personal Space

Personal space is the distance from one person to another. I have come to notice that Swedish people have smaller personal space than English people. As a rule of thumb, whether it's outdoors or indoors, I tend to keep about an arm's length away from a person and I believe that's also the same for a lot of English people. Swedes however do things a lot differently. Case in point:
Lisa and I were walking by the sea, there is plenty of greenery to walk on, there was only us out at the time, until we see a guy walking in our direction in the distance. I assumed he was going to keep maybe 10 feet away as it was such a big field. Anyway, he's walking toward us even more and as he's getting nearer, I see that this guy isn't going to keep his distance so I figured he wanted to say hi or something. As you can tell, he didn't do that, he didn't utter a word and kept about 5 inches away from us as he walked past. It was after he passed us that he turned out of the way. What the fuck is up with that? LOL. That's actually happened a few times and it's mainly with men, the women tend to conform to the typical English way of things I've found.


Everything is expensive in Sweden. That's that. I can't believe how outrageous the prices are over here. A typical PS3 game that's been out for let's say 6 months, is around 590kr...which is roughly £55!!! I'm sure they're much lower second hand, but I could easily buy a PS3 game from the UK for about £15-30 brand new.

Groceries are outrageous most of the time, take for example a pasta salad. I could buy a huge pasta salad from Asda for about £1.5o, if it's on offer. On offer here for medium size tuna pasta salad is around 30kr, which is about £2.80. That's just one thing, but basic things like bread and milk can set you back by quite a bit. Cheese is extortionate...I think Lisa bought a block of cheese for about £5. That's disgusting.

It's no-one's fault that these prices are this high, it is what it is. Every time Lisa has gone to England, she's been amazed at how cheap everything is and how excellent the quality of most things are. You learn to live with it in Sweden...if I want a PS3 game or a CD or DVD, I get it shipped from the UK, it might take longer, but there's no way I will pay £55 for a game.


Since moving to Sweden, I've noticed that everybody has a goal in life. Whether it's to own their own store or to go to University, they all work hard for it. I've never known such hardworking people in all my life. They don't complain about the weather, they're not lazy, they all have lives to live and they live them well.
England, as a country, has achieved a hell of a lot of things, but through my experiences with people on both sides, I just feel that Sweden has more ambition and more drive to work hard and make a difference. I'm not slagging English people off either, I think that the English are going in a different direction than Sweden when it comes to their ambitions that's all.


England is pretty strict when it comes to swearing on TV. After 9pm you can say whatever you want, however before that, broadcasters can get fined thousands of £s for letting slip an F-word. In Sweden, there isn't really an issue on cursing, they obviously have a certain degree of etiquette, but overall it really isn't a big deal. I've even seen some nudity before 9pm over here LOL and it was in an advert!! Nudity FTW!!

The other kind of censorship is views and opinions. I find that in England, if you disagree with a Muslim on TV or make fun of Islam, then you're going to get protests no matter what. No other religion makes such a fuss, the worst the Catholics can do is have some bishop issue a statement. It was like them daft Danish know, the one where someone drew a bomb on that prophet's head. They still protested in England...even though it was all going on in Denmark...I never understood that. Any excuse for a fucking protest.
I'm not sure exactly what it's like in Sweden on this kind of matter, but it's likely just the same. I know for a fact that they're not too high on homophobia, which is obviously understandable, but I think that people should at least listen to some opposing viewpoints on things like same-sex marriage and same-sex adoption.


Which do I prefer? While they both have their good points and bad points...I would say that Sweden has the upper hand. It's a great place to be, especially for me. I think the UK just really needs to clean up it's act on crime and immigration mostly, too many scumbags out there getting into the country and blowing it up. I would definitely raise my children (if I ever have any) here, people just get on with their lives, they don't fuss about the little things.

In England, things like Snowmen are considered sexist, "Bah Bah Black Sheep" is labelled racist and the Nativity insults most religious groups. Fuck political correctness, people should be able to say and do what they want (within reason of course!). It's about time the UK Government had a backbone and started saying "No!" to these idiots who think they can demand and use their "civil rights" as an excuse.

With immigration a lot of cases are completely genuine, they need to leave their country because they are going to be killed and yes, the UK should help them out. However there are people out there that figure that England is a gold mine and so they come from their countries, bring their families and abuse the system - it's completely out of order because they make it an unpleasant place to live.

Never go into another country and tell them how to run things, it didn't work for America when it invaded Vietnam and Korea did it? Criticise all you want, write newspaper articles stating why you think your country does things better but never ever protest or demand things! You have no right to. I have learned to respect this country and it saddens me to know that there are people out there who think they have every right to change it to suit themselves. I would never dream of protesting or demanding anything in Sweden EVER. This isn't my country, I haven't earned enough merit to call it that. I will always live by Sweden's laws and will respect those laws as long as I live here, if I'm not happy with it, I will gladly pack my bags and leave.

Sweden has done great things and I'm proud to be living here. The best thing that I have ever done in my life is move here. If anyone slags off Sweden to me I'd have their guts for garters, it's too nice a place to be insulted (make as many jokes as you like though, believe it or not, they're not all blonde and they don't all like really :P).
In the future I might hate this place, for now though I love it here and wouldn't trade it for anything...unless someone has a spare million lying around. One day I might leave, you never know, but currently I'm enjoying the people, the surroundings and the scenery.

I would recommend Sweden to anyone.

'Till next time....

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WWE/WWF: '98-'00 - Part 3

by Al Kay

(Disclaimer: This is the 3rd and final blog about my interest in WWE/WWF. So after this, I will be back to blogging about other things. Stay Tuned.)

The Rest of my Collection.

In Part 2 I made a blog post which included the bulk of my collection, in this post I shall talk about the other things that are still WWE related, but are not of the '98-'00 era. It all started when I began watching the WWE (1999) and it's never ending. I never intended to start a collection, let alone the one as big as mine. Most of it is tucked away in the closet, because we simply don't have enough bookshelves and/or room in our 1 bedroom apartment. I've never done a count of how many VHSs I have, or how much money I've spent over the years. Luckily, I've never gone crazy over it, the collection I have is built up over 11 years so it could be worse.

Let's start with the rest of my VHS collection:

I can't say that I watch these that often, as good as they are, they're still not "Attitude Era" material. My favourite would most likely have to be Royal Rumble '97, which I blogged about last time. The rest, eh, I could take it or leave it...the WWE had the talent, but they really couldn't do a lot of good with it. Dumbasses. I will obviously update this side of my collection one day, but I'm thinking it will be in DVD format, the WWE have been releasing old stuff lately, so it's a good idea to start that up.

The Unofficial Collection.

Unofficial is a bit of a shit word really, as the VHSs I'm talking about are genuine WWE material, they're just taped off the TV. Back in the day, I couldn't stay up 'till 1am to watch the PPVs live, so we had to timer record everything which was REALLY annoying, as I would usually have school the next day, so I could only watch it after that. It was a pain in the ass! I don't have pictures of these because quite frankly, I couldn't be bothered, they're in the closet and yeah, I'm too fat and old to be climbing over things to find shit. They're just blank videos with the name of them taped to the top and side anyway, nothing special, believe me.


As you can see, it's quite small compared to my VHS collection, but where it lacks in quantity, it makes up in quality. On some of these there is 6 hours of footage! It's great watching some wrestling in high quality sometimes, although watching in video format is nostalgic, it can be tedious. Here's a complete list:

  • Wrestlemanias 17-24
  • Tombstone: The Undertaker
  • Mick Foley's Greatest Hits and Misses
  • The Legacy of Stone Cold Steve Austin
  • McMahon
  • The Rise and Fall of ECW
  • The Best of Raw
  • Raw Awards Show
  • Hardy's Unofficial Interviews
I didn't list the one between Hardy's and Raw because I want to talk about it in greater detail here.

Over the Edge '99.

I actually have a pretty interesting story for this one. I purchased one of my VHS's from eBay, in the description it said that there would be a little something extra to anyone who bought it. So anyway, I received it and I couldn't believe it...that "little something extra" was a DVD of the unreleased WWF Over the Edge '99. It was unreleased because tragically, Owen Hart had died at this event under horrible circumstances. However, the show went on through the night for another hour or so I believe after he had died. The DVD is actually a videotaped recording of the show the night it aired, they somehow transferred it to DVD format. Anyway, this is the only one in my collection that I didn't have at the time, so inadvertently, the person who sent this helped me complete it. Not only that, but there was also another disc, "Raw is Owen", which was the Raw the night after the tragic event happened, dedicated to Owen Hart. Bit soppy for my taste but hey, the guy died.

I have seen plenty of Owen Hart matches and he was a superb athlete, it's a shame what happened to him, but for the rest of us, life goes on. RIP.

Well, that was depressing...onto something less depressing.

My Favourite DVD.

Okay, Wrestlemania 20...what an awesome show!! I did actually watch this in my living room at 1am the night it was broadcast. This event symbolised what the WWE was about at the time, fresh talent, WRESTLING and terrific angles. Let's get into what I didn't like about the PPV.

  • I was a huge Brock Lesnar fan before this event...can't say I had the same feeling after it.
  • It took 1 tombstone to finish off Kane, even though 6 years earlier, it took 3.
  • The Rock and Foley getting beat by Evolution. Shit match.
Those aren't deal breakers though, there was enough good stuff to keep this PPV

  • John Cena beating the Big Show, I liked him a lot here, I thought he had talent and hoped he'd achieve a lot in his later years and it wouldn't get to his head. I was wrong, but the match was pretty good.
  • Guerrero V Angle. Great ending.
  • Undertaker returning with Paul Bearer.
  • Jericho V Christian. Two great Canadians.
  • Benoit winning the gold.
Yes, this event will always be tainted by the events that unfolded in 2007, but as a wrestling fan, it was a great PPV and was a brilliant way to start off a new era, even though the new era is shit.

The last thing I want to talk about in these blogs is what inspired me to write them in the first place. I've always had the urge to write about my experiences with watching wrestling and this blog has been a great way to do that, even though most of my friends and family aren't too keen on it, it wasn't for anyone's benefit but mine. Selfish? Meh, not really, my blog. Lol. If anyone got any kind of joy from reading these wrestling blogs, then hey it's a great bonus, but the reason I have written about wrestling in the first place is because of one man. His name is Mick Foley.

Mick Foley

Back in 2000, I purchased Mick Foley's Autobiography "Have a Nice Day". This one book taught me almost everything I knew about wrestling and writing. It's a wrestling fan's dream, as is his equally awesome "Foley is Good". I don't know where I'd be if it wasn't for these books, I have read them about 4 times each and they never get old. I can't give it a good enough review, his way of writing things changed the way I wrote things, it's hard to explain how one person who you've never met can inspire you in so many different ways.
I learnt so much about the wrestling industry from reading these books and thus Mick Foley is my favourite author of all time. Fuck JK Rowling, as much as I love the Harry Potter novels, nothing compares to Foley. I'm sure technically, he's not on the same level as her, or someone like Stephen King, but he writes on my level, I understand his writing more than i will anyone else's.

Well, I think it's time to end the 3-part wrestling series here. I had a blast doing this, I don't care if no-one reads it, all I wanted to do was look at my collection from a different perspective and document it, I achieved that goal therefore, I am extremely happy with how it went. No-one can take away my love of wrestling, I can't say I love the current product, but that's not the point. Hopefully I will keep building this collection and look forward to many more years of good wrestling.
Thank you for reading, it's been a pleasure.

'Till next time....

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WWE/WWF: '98-'00 - Part 2

Friday, 16 April 2010 by Al Kay

(Disclaimer: The next couple of blogs might be very boring to alot of people, this is my 2nd post in a 3-part series on wrestling so for those of you who have no interest in it, have no fear, I'll blog about other things soon)

The Collection.

Ahhh, my pride and joy! The Collection consists of DVDs, VHS and Books. Compared to alot of wrestling fanatics, my collection is piss-poor, but I don't do it for bragging rights so who cares!

It all started in 1999, when I first started watching wrestling. The family and I were in the town centre in Manchester, just shopping, when we entered WHSmith...I had never thought of buying a wrestling video, but I saw 2 on the shelf and just had to get 'em! They were King of the Ring 1999 and Hell Yeah! A biography about Stone Cold Steve Austin. That was the start of my collection and here they are:

I've probrably watched each of these about 20 times, which is only twice a year since I've had them. The King of the Ring was pretty good, had a good match card and although unfortunately the winner of the KOTR tournament didn't really amount to much, it's still good to watch. The main event was a handicap ladder match - Austin Vs McMahons. This exemplified the legendary feud between Austin and Vince and also brought Shane into the light as a credible on-air personality.
The Hell Yeah! VHS is all right, it was just a brief highlight of Stone Cold's career, I don't really consider this as part of my main collection.

My earliest VHS is the 1997 Royal Rumble:

This VHS is a sign of it's time. The shitty fireworks, the crappy entrances, bad storylines, these are the things that actually made it good and it was at this time that WCW was beating the WWE in the ratings by quite a bit. The Royle Rumble match itself led to Stone Cold Steve Austin becoming a top tier star...although it would be over a year until he would actually win the major gold. The main event was a solid match between Psycho Sid and HBK with an excellent build-up.
This was a good example of the WWE at a time in which they were experimenting with the idea of "Hardcore", there was not alot of weapons or anything, but there were stairs, a table and a 2x4.
All in all, it was a good PPV and a great way to start the Road to Wrestlemania.

My main collection is PPVs from January 1998 to December 2000. These were the best years in WWE history as many fans would agree. The "Attitude Era" was a turning point for professional wrestling and is always looked back on as the years that gave rise to such superstars as "The Rock" "Stone Cold" "Kane" "HHH" amongst also helped the WWE beat WCW in the ratings war.

Here is my main collection...

I even have the ones that were filmed in the UK and weren't available in the USA, but barely any titles ever change and they never make a difference to storylines, certainly a good addition to the collection though.
The bulk of it was bought from Ebay, as they stopped selling them in the shops, that's good though because they were cheap as fuck at £4-£5 each, that includes Postage+Packing. There are a few that are somewhat rare however, they cost me around £10-£20, so it's still a relatively cheap hobby to have I would say.

My Favourites.

Alot of people can't pick their favourites as they see their collections as their "children". Fuck that I say...There are some really bad PPVs out there, but there are some really good ones, here's my Top 3:

No.3: Summerslam 98'

I remember when I bought it, I was in HMV with my mum, I must have only been 12-13 and the guy at the checkout till was very friendly. He was a wrestling fan so we got talking and we both agreed that the ladder match between HHH and The Rock was one of the best matches ever. Heh, the customers behind us got a little pissed off I think.
The matchcard was pretty solid, shame about those retarded rapping clowns in the entrance of the Odditties though. This PPV definitely encapsulated what the WWF was putting across at the time...Attitude.

Undertaker legdropping Austin on the Spanish announce table.
Kai En Tai getting squashed by The Oddities.
Jeff Jarrett getting his head shaved.
The Rock Vs Triple H...that whole match was tremendous.

No.2: Wrestlemania XIV '98

Not only my 2nd favourite video of my whole collection, but also one of my favourite Wrestlemanias of all time. I don't really have a recollection of buying this, other than I went to McDonalds with the family afterwards...heh, the shit I remember eh? This Wrestlemania was the last event for over 4 years that HBK wrestled and Undertaker got some awesome revenge on his brother. This Wrestlemania was the start of Stone Cold Steve Austin's reign as WWF Champion and the end of a very "gimmicky" era. From now on things were very different, less kid's stuff, more ass kicking.

Kane getting Tombstoned 3 times.
Tyson knocking the shit out of HBK
The D-X band covering "America the Beautiful"
Cactus Jack and Chainsaw Charlie being INSANE

No.1: Backlash '00

This PPV defines everything about Professional Wrestling and the WWE. Every match had a purpose with brilliant build-up and excellent storylines. I feel that this is one of the most underrated PPVs in the history of the WWE and is also the only one of my Top 3 that happened while I was a wrestling fan. It also featured a surprisingly excellent match between Dean Malenko and Scotty 2 Hotty, also underrated. This event was slap-bang in the middle of what was known as the McMahon-Helmsley era, where HHH and Stephanie McMahon had all the power of the WWE.

Dean Malenko and Scotty 2 Hotty surprise everyone
The Rock finally winning the gold
The hardcore match was entertaining, shocking and funny.
The Showster.

I can't say it enough that it really is a shame that the WWE has become what it is today. The PG rating, lack of JR on commentary and of course John friggin' Cena. It's all well and good that they have decided to change their target audience, but to neglect the diehard wrestling fans by having 5 minute matches and 10 minute backstage skits is a kick in the balls. One day I really do hope they improve their product, it's no coincidence that they toned it down when Linda McMahon started doing her political thing. She wants a clean-cut image so that she can get more votes, simple...but her image will always be tainted by the amount of wrestlers that have passed-on due to WWE's neglect. She has alot of explaining to do and so does Vince.

Well, that was fun as heck...sorry about the rant at the end there, it had to be said. Part 3 will be about the rest of my VHS collection, my DVD collection and some other tidbits.

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WWE/WWF: '98-'00 - Part 1.

Thursday, 15 April 2010 by Al Kay

(Disclaimer: The next few blogs might be very boring to alot of people, this is going to be a 3-part series on wrestling so for those of you who have no interest in it, have no fear, I'll blog about other things in the coming weeks)

Part 1.

Today, I thought it would be a good idea to have a blog about wrestling, more specifically WWE. I had forgot to put in my Autism blog that this is actually one of my obsessions, I never really thought of it as an obsession though until I noticed the ever-growing collection of VHS tapes and DVDs that I had and thought "Ok, you're a LITTLE obsessed." It's a big topic to cover, so I shall do it in 3 blog posts.

It's hard to say where it all began for me, I've always known about wrestling, I've always known of wrestlers like Hulk Hogan and Randy Savage, but it never became an interest of mine until mid-1999. I don't think there's a particular reason that I started watching it, I just liked it.
At the time it was called WWF (World Wrestling Federation), but due to alot of legal hassle with the World Wildlife Fund, in 2002 they had to change their name to WWE (World Wrestling Entertainment). Personally, I'm all for charity, but the World Wildlife Fund are dicks. Just sayin'.

In 1999, I was 10 years old, alot of people (especially my teachers) said that I was too young to be watching such violent things, my mum never minded so I guess it was cool. At the time, no-one in my class (of 5 people, 9 tops) were into wrestling, so I was on my own with my obsession, unless you count my brother (which I don't, nor ever will).
I can count on one hand how many people that I have met in the last 11 years who have liked wrestling, it's a sad truth but not all that surprising. Here's why...

The Truth.

Professional Wrestling, to me, is like a soap opera. People have said it's "FAKE AND GAY!!" a bunch of times, it's understandable though. Sweaty men in tight pants getting hurt in the ring. Heh, it's almost laughable in a sense, but have you ever thought that perhaps it's not as "Fake" or "Gay" as most would believe?

Let's start with "Gay". To my recollection there have been only 3 people in the WWE that have come out as being attracted to men. One is bisexual (Orlando Jordan), one is very old (Pat Patterson) and the other is dead (Chris Kanyon). If it's not the actual homosexuality of the wrestlers themselves that puts you off, then perhaps it's the close contact...though if that's an issue, then that says something about you rather than wrestling.

"Fake". To address this, I have to start by saying that YES...the matches are predetermined and...YES they're choreographed. Call it acting if you will, it's like going to the theatre, the actors know their lines and they know the ending. Does that make it "Fake"? You can debate it 'till the cows come home, I personally couldn't care less.
The wrestlers DO get hurt, you try falling flat on your back onto what is essentially plywood. It hurts like hell, but they do it anyway. It's all about entertainment, pleasing the crowd...If it gives them and the audience an adrenaline rush then fuck it, go for it.

So yeah, wrestling for me is probrably the most exciting sport there is! There are so many gimmicks, tag teams, personalities, match types, it's endless. I've never took a break from wrestling, I personally don't "wrestle" - I used to, but it was just playfighting really, just two guys trying out moves like chokeslams and hitting each other with as many objects as possible. it was fun, but watching is more fun.

I used to collect all the toys, even had a ring with an entrance way, but I threw it all out at one point...I kinda regret that now. Lisa made me throw away my WWF Championship belt out once...We were cleaning out my room, here's how it went...

"Are you going to use it? If not then it's going!"

"Well, i'm not going to USE it, but..."

"Fine, then it's going in the bin!"

Yeah, she can be evil.

I didn't let her get to my videos though...oh no, she'll never throw those away, even when there isn't one VCR left in the world, I'll still keep hold of them. Believe it or not, I'm more proud of my video collection than I am of my guitar and that's saying something!!

The reason I called this blog "WWE/WWF: '98-'00" is because that is the era which I am most fond's what we WWE fans like to call the "Attitude Era". It is largely what my video collection comprises of, which I shall talk more about in part 2.

I will always love wrestling. The product these days is slipping, but nevertheless, I have my videos to look back on and the future to look forward to. This blog is a great place to talk about hobbies and interests... that's what I made it for, heck, non-wrestling fans can still read's still a big part of my life.

I know this was short, but as I said before, the next blog will contain information about my collection and some other interesting things that I think will appeal more to wrestling fans. I'm doing this so that in 10 years time, I can look back on it and be proud of the fact that I'm a complete geek. Anyway, as the one and only Michael Davies said: "Roll on Part 2"....well, it might be a couple of days but it'll be up, no worries.

'Till next time...

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Tuesday, 13 April 2010 by Al Kay

(Disclaimer) I am writing this because when people ask me about my condition, it is very difficult to explain in a few sentences and it would be stupid to tell them to look it up as Autism is a wide spectrum of things. Alot of this might sound depressing to some people, but I am quite happy in my life, so this blog is not for pity. It's more of an insight.


It's a bitch ain't it? You could describe my specific case as Aspergers as I have no learning difficulties, however that would be debatable because alot of my behaviour does not follow the set standard for Aspergers. I prefer to call it High Functioning Autism.

I was diagnosed with it in the beginning of 2007, before that I was lost as to what to call it.
I'd like not to dwell on the past however, as that is not who I am now as many of my friends and family will agree.

My Autism generally consists of 3 sections:


Social Anxiety


My OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder) even to this day is crazy. I hate it. Here is a list of things that I do, which are annoying:

  • I can't stop playing the guitar, even when i'm tired of playing it, I can't put it down. I watch the TV and play it and it annoys me like FUCK.
  • In the shower (I shower in general twice a day), I have to brush my teeth first, shampoo (every day), condition (every two days) and then shower gel ALOT. Before I got an electric toothbrush however, I brushed my teeth in the shower while I shampooed and conditioned my hair.
  • The pots...oh God...the pots. I need a full bowl of water with only plates and cutlery, they then have to be cleaned one by one with much effort and elbow grease, it can take hours sometimes. I then make another bowl of water which I clean pans, cups and glasses, this process is easier, but still very dull. It's not rare that when Lisa does the pots, I have to redo them.
  • DVDs are in alphabetical order, unless Lisa slips a D into an A. That wasn't innuendo, she really fucks my routine up ALOT.
  • In general my apartment is clean. I clean everyday. It's a nightmare.
  • I bite my nails till they bleed. It can be painful to play guitar.
  • My hands need to be clean at all times, which also fucks up my guitar playing as my fingertips over the years have been "hardened" but because of excessive water use, they get softened, thus painful fingers when I play.
  • I have multiples of the same clothes. 5 black Tshirts, Pyjamas etc etc, same brand, same everything.
  • From the age of 4, i've been obsessed with Michael Jackson.
  • From the age of 8, i've been obsessed with Yo-Yo.
  • From the age of 14, i've been obsessed with guitar.
  • I'm still obsessed with MJ and Guitar, the Yo-Yo is just something I do from time to time.
Everybody has a lot of those bullet points, to some extent at least. But all of them for me are a huge pain in the ass that I can't get away from. There are more aswell, but it's late and as much as I love lists, I also have a significant other who is kinda needy.

Social Anxiety

The biggest thing that my Autism affects is my ability to interact with people. I have difficulty talking on the phone and in person, I get very agitated and so I avoid meeting people at all costs. To put it in perspective, imagine your biggest fear or phobia (like spiders or snakes) and try and deal with that every day of your life with it never getting better.

My problem with people has been with me since birth and will never leave me. I have good days and bad days, mostly bad. I can't look anyone in the eyes, I stutter alot, I say stupid shit, my heart races, I fiddle, I bite my nails, I look down, I try and distract myself. Having a conversation with me, (unless I feel I know you) is impossible.


This is actually very closely related to the social anxiety. To quote Wikipedia:

"Agoraphobia is a condition where the sufferer becomes anxious in environments that are unfamiliar or where he or she perceives that they have little control."
The jury is still out on whether to call it "Agoraphobia" or not, but it's the closest thing we've found that pinpoints this part of my Autism.

It basically started as I was becoming a teenager, I went out less and less, until I became what others would describe as a "hermit". I rarely left the house and it would be a major problem if I had to (for appointments and such). We kinda figured it might have something to do with where we lived (Manchester), so we moved to Sutton-in-Ashfield, Nottinghamshire. Unfortunately, that didn't help much at all...I did have help from a nurse for a couple of years, but I made little progress.

That brings us to today, to go from Notts to Sweden is for another blog post I think, but I can go into a bit of detail of how the "Agoraphobia" got better.
I basically met Lisa and that gave me the push I needed. That's the short answer I suppose, so here's the long one:

My nurse took me out for walks and it got me used to the area that I lived in I suppose and then I met Lisa, so everytime she came to my place from Sweden, we'd go out pretty much everyday...but only at the quietest times. This was tough as it was hard to work out when the most or least amount of people would be out, so we had some difficult experiences. I don't know if you understand what people from Sutton are like, but put it this way...they like to push passed you, they like to shout things from across the road like "Fat cunt" and they like to get drunk...alot, so if we went out while it was busy, we didn't have a good time.

However, we did have an awful lot of good times, especially the long walks to Silverhill where the scenery was breathtaking, or the shorter walks to the cemetary where it was extra quiet so we could sit down on the benches and just relax. Eventually I could even start going out with my mum and we also had good times.

Now that I'm in Sweden it's touch and go really. It took a while to get used to this place (especially the people), we stick to the same routes when we go for walks but I feel it's alot safer than England. Not knowing how to speak the language might be tough, I haven't encountered enough people to really grasp HOW tough though, they all speak English pretty much, but I can't just expect these people to speak English for my benefit...when in Rome right? I'll talk more about my walks in Sweden in another blog as it's a work in progress.

To summarize; me leaving the house has gotten alot better, but I still find it to be a challenge as with everything else. Just because I'm able to leave the house, doesn't mean I'm getting better with people, or my OCD. It just means I can go somewhere else for an hour or two a day, which believe me, is a sweet relief compared to what I was like back in the day.

I must say that one hugely annoying thing about my Autism is that when some people ask me about it and I tell them some details, all they can say is:

"Oh yeah, i'm like that."

"I know the feeling"

"That always happens to me"

"Thats nothing, this one time..."

"Get over it"

Do you understand why I get so offended by comments like that? Do you go up to a terminally ill guy and say "I don't feel too good either, I have a cold"? I'm not comparing my situation to that of a terminally ill guy, but i'm pointing out how stupid it is to relate a tiny problem of yours to a massive problem of somebody else and expect sympathy. I would gladly sympathise with a person who has Autism or something similar, but not with someone who can do most of the things that I can't. How does talking to me about that shit help them? Does it make them feel better?

This doesn't mean that I never want to listen to anybody's problems, friendship goes both ways and I'm always a good listener, but some respect.
For example; One person actually had the stupidity of asking me for advice on talking to people...I pointed out to them that I am the wrong person to ask about pathetic shit like that and that they had their head shoved quite far up their own ass for them not to understand that. They apoligised and went away with their tail between their legs. Was I too mean? Probably, but it's that kind of shit which would drive anybody up the wall. On the whole it's just a big misunderstanding.

Another misunderstanding is to think that I'm lazy. Yes, people have actually said to me that I use my "Autism" so I don't have to get a job, or that I don't even have it in the first place!
To those's an idea, go home, set the place on fire and burn to death :). Once again...too harsh? Ehhhh, if you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen. There's nothing wrong with speaking your mind though, I welcome all kinds of comments, just beware of the ramifications of them, I won't hold back if you won't.

Thanks for reading...I understand it's a very long post, but I'm just getting started with my blogging and I think it's a good subject to cover. There are things about my Autism which I would like to keep personal, they're not embarrassing or anything but I find it's good to keep some things to myself, I intend to keep most of my life private.

'Till next time....

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About Me.

Monday, 12 April 2010 by Al Kay

About Me.

Well, I did say I would post an About Me. I'm actually writing this at 19:55 on the 11th of April 2010 (Swedish time) but I'm trying out the "Post Scheduling" feature on here, so it should be published the next day at whatever time I please. Pretty neat.

I dunno how lengthy this post will be as I'm basically gonna wing it and see what happens. It's more of an introduction to me as a person and a portion of my life, which might be boring to some people, but others - maybe not. Let's begin.

My name is Allen Joseph Kirwan, I was born on the 2nd of April 1989, which as of this post makes me 21 years of age. I have two sisters (Jenny and Sally) and one brother (Ian), my father died when I was 4 and so I was raised by my mother until last year. I was born in Manchester, England, however life tends to give you a kick up the ass, so I now live with my fiancé Lisa in an apartment on the island of Gotland, which is in Sweden. I moved here 5 months ago.

I have Autism, but I intend to cover that in a seperate blog, as it's too complicated to put with everything else.

I left school at the age of 15, so I have zero GCSEs, zero qualifications and zero job prospects (actually that last one is due to the Autism, infact all of it is but that's for another time.)

My hobbies include playing guitar, listening to music, walks on the beach with Lisa, reading, making videos on youtube, watching TV, browsing the internet. I actually had to think hard about all of those, as I don't have alot.

Lisa and I have been together for 3 years and counting. We are in love and plan on staying that way, if anything changes, i'll let you know. *wink wink*

That's the serious stuff out of the way, here's the not so serious stuff:

  • Contrary to popular belief, i'm NOT gay. My boyfriend however, is a flaming homosexual.
  • I'm an Aries, as such I couldn't give a flying fuck about that.
  • I swear alot.
  • I joke alot.
  • I have a sense of humour that alot of people cannot appreciate.
  • I like meat.
  • My veggie fiancĂ© doesn't. Guess that's why she almost killed me for accidentally throwing meat on her.
  • I should say "Vegetarian", don't want you thinking she's a cucumber or anything, her mum would get quite a shock from that.
  • I'm fat. 17 and a half stone of pure fat. Some muscle, but mainly fat. Some bones in there aswell. Just fat though.
  • I'm sarcastic.
  • My confidence is excellent...noooot.
  • I quote people.
  • I have a dream.
  • White chocolate is my favourite chocolate.
  • Life is like a box of chocolates...
  • Which brings me to my favourite movie: Forrest Gump.
  • I stole a license plate once. Well technically Lisa did, it was under a pile of dirt. Sue us.
  • I love Snoop Dogg. (I met him once on ustream)
  • I can moonwalk. True story.
  • I collect cans like a tramp.
  • And pebbles.
  • I like candles.
  • Especially scented.
  • I wear 2 kinds of deodorant, at the same time. One roll-on and one spray on.
  • Sometimes aftershave. Davidoff.
  • Lost is a conspiracy, but also a fantastic show.
  • Wrestling is awesome.
  • The Rock is a God. Even if he is a sellout.
  • John Cena makes me want to vomit up my own faeces.
  • Challenge me on WWF era: 1998 - 2000. I know everything about it.
  • Typical Swedish food makes me cringe.
  • Typical English food makes me orgasm multiple times.
  • Yet I live in Sweden, where the food is twice the price and half the joy.
  • Sweden is pretty cool though, especially the dead birds and old people.
  • Leo from That 70's Show, is probably the most AWESOME dude ever.
  • I met that annoying girl from Coronation Street. Sarah Louise Platt AKA Tina O Brien. She was OK I guess, considering she's annoying.
  • You're not even reading this.
  • I don't like you.
  • Go away.
  • Why do you wanna know all this crap about me anyway?
  • Freak.
There, so we got through that, sorry about all the random facts (or are they?). I thought it'd be fun. Tune in next time, for a blog entitled "Autism". It is more of a serious blog and might be interesting to some people. It would definitely clarify alot about me.

Thanks for reading. Buhbye.
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First blog post.

Sunday, 11 April 2010 by Al Kay

Okay, so the other day I decided it was time to register a domain:

It's rare that i'm that spontaneous, but it only cost a little bit of money and i've got it for 2 years, after that I can extend it.
Earlier that same day I had created a Blogger (with Lisa's help), as I thought it would be a good idea to start blogging, so I forwarded my newly bought domain here. I'm not sure what i'll say in these things, probrably just everyday stuff and maybe i'll clarify a few things about myself that I believe people have the wrong idea about.

I've never really kept a "blog" so to speak, it's sometimes too easy to reveal everything about your personal life when you've got the correct forum to do so. I feel I can post whatever comes to mind, I doubt i'll be shooting the shit about every little tiny insignificant thing that pops up, but there will be some interesting topics covered here I hope to address.

I've had issues with the recent "Social Media" sites that are out there as you can tell:

Facebook is great for keeping in touch with family and friends on a one-to-one basis through messages and even comments, but I found that it was frustrating to have only a few lines of text to write exactly what I was thinking.
Twitter is just a sad sad place, overrun by celebrities and politicians. Don't get me wrong, I do have an account there and I do follow a bunch of people, but once again it has even less space to write whatever comes into my head.
Myspace is more for bands now; in other words, it's shit.

I use Facebook the most out of the three and it keeps me satisfied, especially with the privacy aspect. Not just anyone can look at what you're doing, everyone has their enemies or people they're not so close to, so I believe it's the best place to keep social interaction safe.

Moving on.... In my next blog post, I shall do somewhat of an "About me" just to clarify things. I'm not sure what i'll put there, but I have a feeling it's going to be longer than this one.

Yeah I don't have a clever way to end this.

See ya later....
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