First blog post.

Sunday, 11 April 2010 by Al Kay

Okay, so the other day I decided it was time to register a domain:

It's rare that i'm that spontaneous, but it only cost a little bit of money and i've got it for 2 years, after that I can extend it.
Earlier that same day I had created a Blogger (with Lisa's help), as I thought it would be a good idea to start blogging, so I forwarded my newly bought domain here. I'm not sure what i'll say in these things, probrably just everyday stuff and maybe i'll clarify a few things about myself that I believe people have the wrong idea about.

I've never really kept a "blog" so to speak, it's sometimes too easy to reveal everything about your personal life when you've got the correct forum to do so. I feel I can post whatever comes to mind, I doubt i'll be shooting the shit about every little tiny insignificant thing that pops up, but there will be some interesting topics covered here I hope to address.

I've had issues with the recent "Social Media" sites that are out there as you can tell:

Facebook is great for keeping in touch with family and friends on a one-to-one basis through messages and even comments, but I found that it was frustrating to have only a few lines of text to write exactly what I was thinking.
Twitter is just a sad sad place, overrun by celebrities and politicians. Don't get me wrong, I do have an account there and I do follow a bunch of people, but once again it has even less space to write whatever comes into my head.
Myspace is more for bands now; in other words, it's shit.

I use Facebook the most out of the three and it keeps me satisfied, especially with the privacy aspect. Not just anyone can look at what you're doing, everyone has their enemies or people they're not so close to, so I believe it's the best place to keep social interaction safe.

Moving on.... In my next blog post, I shall do somewhat of an "About me" just to clarify things. I'm not sure what i'll put there, but I have a feeling it's going to be longer than this one.

Yeah I don't have a clever way to end this.

See ya later....
Posted in | 2 Comments »


Unknown said...

Very nice

I was hoping you'd go for

I've never even visited the front page of twitter, doesnt sound like it would interest me in the least.

Unknown said...

if it wasn't for the fact that it would sound like a porn site, i'd of gone for something like

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